Find your Sweetspot

Isn't your racket delivering what you've paid for? We know exactly what you are looking for!

Crafting the perfect Sweetspot takes skill.

But with our expertise, get ready for an extraordinary sensation on every stroke. It's the "Sweetest Sweetspot" your racket ever had!

Feel it and never look back!


1What is the sweetspot?
Every racquet has a certain area that responds better on ball impact. If your racket feels “empty”, if it wobbles or sounds weird, it means. Sweetspot should be well defined and make you want hit more and more balls there.
2How do I know if the stringing helps the sweetspot?
Proper stringing techniques are tied up with how well your racquet acts on ball impact. We go one step further from that by applying custom stringing techniques that reward you with the greatest sweetspot your racquet can have.
3My racquet has a metallic sound. What does this mean?
Metallic or ping noises are often related to poor stringing. Creating a generous sweetspot means a deep rich “thud” noise and an impressive ball feel during impact.

Moving strings

Are moving strings causing frustration and spreading your shots all over the place? Maintaining perfect geometry on the stringbed requires skills.

Your strings need our well-kept secret techniques to stay in place, maintain tension longer, and provide pinpoint accuracy.

With our expertise, it's time to enjoy uninterrupted play and focus on your game – and your nails will thank you too!


1Moving strings even on freshly strung racket. Does this affect performance?
Moving strings and strings that are not straight, are responsible for inconsistent shots even if the strings are fresh.
2My strings are moving only on the sides. Is this normal?
If you notice that, it means that tension and performance will drop fast and more strings will start to move.

Rattles, Buzz, Squeaks

Are unpleasant sounds ruining your game, from squeaking and buzzing to ping and metallic noises?

Don't worry! We specialize in eliminating any disturbing racket sounds, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in every shot.

Experience the satisfaction of hearing only a rich thud upon striking the ball - it's music to your ears, and others nearby will thank you for this!


1Where does this rattling come from?
Small particles and debris inside the frame cause annoying sounds whenever you tap the frame or hit a ball.
2What could create that rattling?
Quite often small particles of the racquet breaking off and falling inside the frame make buzzing sounds. It could be chips of the inside of the frame, bits of grommet, granulated clay, broken foam and other things.
3Where does the squeaking come from?
It comes from the handle of your racquet. Very often end caps become loose and create such noises.
4Is squeaking a potential danger for my racquet integrity?
If you leave it happen too long it will eventually crack the part of the handle. Loose end caps create forces that are destructive for the integrity of the inside of the grip.
5How can I get rid of them?
Small particles inside the frame are jailed between grommets or in the handle. At our workshop we implement various techniques to remove them and fix your loose end caps.

String breakage

Premature string breakage or string breakage near the frame are signs of low quality stringing.

Our stringing service will cure this and you will find yourself breaking strings more often near the center of the string bed!


1My strings broke at the top of the frame but I haven’t mishit. Why?
Bad string breaks always have a reason. Other than mishitting it can be due to poor stringing, lower quality stringing machine, excessive stress on the strings near the frame called shear breakage, weakened strings from prolonged play, teared grommets, debris inside the grommets RacketSpecialist will do whatever is necessary so it won’t happen to you again.
2My strings broke at the knot on my freshly strung racquet. Why?
Exaggerated forces strangled the string at that point. More often it is a sign of poor stringing.
3My strings break very fast. What can I do?
This is called premature breakage. It has several causes. Strings that are not appropriate for your game style, hybrids that don’t mix well and court surface. Poor stringing techniques play a major role in shortening string life as strings weaken before their time from friction burn. We help you eliminate this problem.
4I wasn’t breaking strings but lately it happens quite often. What can I do?
String choice should follow your tennis progress. Today’s string market is very confusing with hundreds of different choices. Many of them though are not properly tested. At RacketSpecialist we wisely choose the proper setup for you that greatly enhances your game without sacrifying string life.