Racket Customization
Μετατρέπουμε τη ρακέτα σας σε επέκταση του χεριού σας!
Μια εργοστασιακή ρακέτα μπορεί να ταιριάζει απόλυτα μόνο σε μερικούς παίκτες. Το customization αρχίζει με την επιλογή χορδών και τάσης πλεξίματος. Εμείς προχωράμε ένα βήμα παραπέρα, απογειώνοντας την απόδοση της ρακέτας σας, καθώς την προσαρμόζουμε ακριβώς στο δικό σας χέρι. Πολυετή εμπειρία στα Grand Slam, τεχνολογία αιχμής και η πρωτοποριακή υπηρεσία Virtual Tennis Coach με χρήση AI, θα σας ανταμείψουν με το προνόμιο μιας αριστοτεχνικά σεταρισμένης ρακέτας για το δικό σας παιχνίδι. Μιας ρακέτας πιο πολύ δική σας παρά ποτέ!
Χρησιμοποιούμε υψηλή τεχνολογία και ΑΙ
Συγκρίνουμε αποτελέσματα σε custom made βάση δεδομένων χρησιμοποιώντας αλγόριθμους.
Αναλύουμε την τεχνική σας χρησιμοποιώντας απομακρυσμένη αξιολόγηση και επιδιόρθωση τεχνικής. Αποκλειστικό προνόμιο του εργαστηρίου μας!
Έχουμε πολυετή εμπειρία στο ATP/WTA Tour και σε προπόνηση σε αγωνιστικό επίπεδο.
Σε τι επεμβαίνουμε και ρυθμίζουμε:
Βάρος ρακέτας
Αδράνεια (SWingweight)
Εξομοίωση-προσομοίωση ρακετών
Αύξηση μεγέθους λαβής και τάπας ρακέτας
Μείωση μεγέθους λαβής
Αλλαγή σχήματος λαβής
Αλλαγή αίσθησης λαβής
Ανακαίνιση ρακέτας
1Πρέπει να εξατομικεύω την ρακέτα;
Customizing your racquet is the next step to progressing on your game. Adding just a few grams can drastically change the way it performs for you. Our research reveals that even at the same weight, balance and swingweight a 300 gram customized racquet is a far better performer compared to a 300 gram factory specs racquet. Weight strategically positioned in key areas create a much.
2Can I add weights to change attributes myself?
Customization is an extremely delicate process. Why? Racquets have various stiffnesses along the frame, different geometry and shape, varying mix of materials, non proportional in-plane-stiffnesses, polarized or de-polarized effects and ultimately different feel. These factors together with weight, balance and swingweight (weight distribution), also known as inertia are critical on, whether, how much and in what way a frame should be customized. Adding to them your playing skills, your game style and biomechanics, your power and stamina and you can see the complexity behind them. Our advice: Don’t Do It At Home!
3How can I get my racquets properly customized?
Σταματήστε αμέσως κάθε δραστηριότητα ή κίνηση που σας πονάει. Η ξεκούραση είναι υψίστης σημασίας. Καλέστε μας άμεσα για να σας καθοδηγήσουμε στα επόμενα βήματα που πρέπει να ακολουθήσετε. Με την υπηρεσία μας Virtual Tennis Coach, θα είμαστε δίπλα σας για να σας βοηθήσουμε να ξεπεράσετε το πρόβλημα σας!
4What happens if my racquet is improperly modified?
The effects of customization drastically change the performance of your racquet. There are hundreds of possible combinations to choose from. Get it wrong and you will magnify “hidden” weak points on your racquet that may have all kinds of negative side effects. That includes inability for certain strokes, poor game performance and increased possibility of injuries.
Racket Matching
Same brand and model but specs will probably vary. Often enough you feel it but never suspect it.
We make sure that all of your rackets in your bag will feel and play exactly the same.
1How can 2 racquets of the same brand and model have different specs?
Racquet factories allow for tolerances in weight and balance as narrowing the number down to eliminate them would increase costs too much. So you should expect that there will be differences between your frames.
2Are differences in weight and balance important?
It depends on where they are. A hidden factor called swingweight determines if those differences are noticeable or not.
3I am not an advanced player. Why should I worry about racquet matching?
The better the player the easiest is to feel even small inconsistencies between frames. Nevertheless on a regular basis we deal with lower level players that can easily tell whether one of their frames feels lighter or heavier. Why not you?
4What if my racquets are not identical?
Racquets that have different specs feel and play differently.
Custom Gripping
Correct grip is often overlooked but it means a lot to your game.
We perfect your grip size, shape and feel so that your racket grip becomes friend with your palm!
1Why is the grip of the racquet so important?
The grip is the chain between your racquet and you. It has to be a natural continuity between your racquet and your palm.
2What happens if my racquet grip is too small?
Imaging having to unscrew a rusty screw with a screwdriver having a small and slippery grip. You will definitely get a sore arm!
3What happens if my racquet grip is too big?
Too big of a grip will never let you do those delicate shots. A bigger than normal grip will also fatigue your muscles and tendons and can lead to injury especially at the wrist.
4Is the way of wrapping the grip important?
Poor installation of grips and overgrips prevent you from finding the correct way to hold and swing your racquet. That’s because the grip will loose both its definition and angles. It may also create blisters to your palm.
5How can you help me with my grip?
We can enlarge, reduce or change the feel of your grip. We take accurate measurements of your palm and customize your grip so that it sits perfectly.