Tennis & Golfer’s elbow

We are the top choice for your arm relief! With our custom stringing techniques we ensure that any strings work in harmony with your racket !

Explore our innovative Virtual Tennis Coach service aimed at ensuring pain-free play by perfecting biomechanics and eliminating harmful habits.


1What is the difference between tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow?
Both are form of elbow tendinitis. Tennis elbow is caused by damage to tendons on the outside of the elbow, while golfer’s elbow is caused by damage on the inside.
2What caused the inflammation?
It may have one or more causes. Bad technique, stiff racquet and strings, inappropriate racquet and grip, lower quality stringing, prolonged repetition of certain movements are all known suspects.
3What is the first thing to do when your elbow starts hurting?
First thing to do is to immediately pause any action that hurts. Rest is of outmost importance. A specialized doctor’s advice is recommended.
4How important is the racquet and the quality of the stringing?
If your racquet is stiff, too light or too heavy, poorly strung or having an inappropriate grip size, chances are you will end up with a sore elbow. Harsh feel, trampoline effect or wobbling during impact are all signs of lower quality stringing. We run a full test of your equipment.

Shoulder pain

Say goodbye to shoulder discomfort!

With Virtual Tennis Coach we can uncover the root causes firsthand. See it for yourself.

Then get easy-to-follow tips to address them. We will guide you all the way! It's as simple as that!


1Why all of the sudden would I get injured shoulder?
Rotator muscles in the overhead motion are weaker and may well get easily injured. Overweighted racket, low quality stringing, wrong grip, bad technique, are causes for upper arm trauma.
2How can I prevent shoulder inflammation?
Flexibility exercises, strength and endurance of the shoulder muscles, correcting your technique. Get supervised guidance is highly recommended.
3How can I correct my service motion?
Virtual Tennis Coach is the first online guided help that can help you get rid of your bad habits. See your service motion in comparison to role models. Get guided help and tips, step by step, all the way to success! Compare Before and After. 100% successful!
4Should I change my racquet?
You could easily answer this question if you feel unpleasant swinging your racquet especially on the serve. We do delicate customization to a strategically selected racquet suitable for this situation so that you won’t loose too much from your groundstrokes.

Wrist problems

It may be your grip, your racket, bad stringing, poor technique, or altogether.

But don’t worry! With Virtual Tennis Coach we can accurately diagnose the sources of your wrist pain!

Then, we ensure it goes away and never returns!


1What is the most important factor related to wrist injuries?
The delicate tendons crossing your wrist cannot accept big loads. Ulnar-sided wrist pain is a common issue, even in pro level tennis.
2Is my racquet guilty for my wrist pain?
Your technique is related to your racquet and vice versa. There are factors on a racquet that can either create wrist pain or sharpen an existing injury.
3What can I do when I experience wrist pain?
Prolonged inflammation occurring on the delicate tendons of the wrist area can lead to serious wrist problems. Please contact us asap. We will help you.